
Image description: graphic with a rotary telephone at the center. The words read “Educators, share your story of life and work during COVID-19.” The number listed is 1-844-SPEAK-05, the call-in voicemail system for Oral History Summer School’s Education Narratives Project.

Do you have reactions and responses to the ideas you have heard in this project?

Is there something you would like to add to this narrative?

What do you think future generations should remember about education during COVID?

Oral History Summer School launched an Education Storyline to broaden the conversation beyond our initial educator cohort. By calling 1-844-SPEAK05 you can hear a story from an educator or leave a voicemail of up to 5 minutes with your own story.

We invite educators, defined broadly, to give us a call to leave a message about your experiences of teaching during COVID-19. We also welcome community members to share their thoughts and feelings about this time as well. All stories will be archived alongside the long-form Education Narrative Project interviews

You are welcome to use one of the prompts stemming from this project as a launching point, or to share other education-related reflections.

Conversing with Care Prompts:

  • How have you experienced care (or the absence of care) in educational spaces during COVID-19?
  • What has this time taught you about the conditions needed to foster caring spaces for learning and education?
  • How can individuals, communities, and systems best show support and authentic care for educators? 
